Does wheatgrass make you poop? - Britt's Superfoods

Does wheatgrass make you poop?

Yes and no is the answer to this.

Yes, wheatgrass juice can help to alleviate constipation as it supports a healthy digestive system but if your digestive system is running smoothly, your poop should not be affected.

In fact, wheatgrass has long been used as a remedy for diarrhoea and scientific evidence has shown that it can help reduce the symptoms of more severe gastrointestinal issues like ulcerative colitis.

Our organic outdoor grown wheatgrass has high levels of chlorophyll which cleanse toxins from our gut, helping maintain optimum digestive health. Rich in enzymes, it also supports the breakdown of food. Crucially helping us absorb the nutrients we are consuming. Wheatgrass juice is one of the best things you can take to support a healthy digestive system.

However, everyone's body is different so we recommend that if you have a sensitive stomach or digestive issues to start taking wheatgrass juice slowly and gradually, as your body gets accustomed to its cleansing effects, increase the dose.

We care about your health and are just at the end of the phone if you would like to discuss anything further. We are so confident that you will feel the benefits of our organic wheatgrass juice that we even offer a health guarantee. If you don't feel the health benefits after one month, we will refund 110% on your first one month order.

To order your cleansing organic wheatgrass juice visit our shop today.

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