Introducing our Rainbow Juices - Britt's Superfoods

Introducing our Rainbow Juices

The Bountiful Benefits of our Superfood Rainbow Juices

Our new Rainbow juice collection gives you the chance to mix things up a little, have a some fun with flavours and maybe try something new.  All of our Superfood Juices have fantastic health boosting properties and as an added bonus they taste fantastic too.

Let’s take a look at them in a little more detail and see which one you are going to try first.

Organic Wheatgrass Juice

Our amazing outdoor grown, organic  powerhouse of a juice, really packs a punch! An ounce of wheatgrass juice contains as many nutrients as 1.5 lbs of green vegetables and is much easier to consume! Containing over 100 easily absorbed nutrients and packed full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and over 80 beneficial enzymes it really is a nutritionally complete food. The high levels of health-giving green chlorophyll in Wheatgrass Juice make it a fantastic energy booster and great at supporting a healthy immune system.

Organic Kale, Reishi & Maca

Most of us have heard of the leafy green vegetable kale and may even know that it can help support the immune system and healthy bones, skin and gums, but what about the other two ingredients?

Reishi is a large, dark woody textured mushroom that has been used in traditional medicine for over 200 years. It has been used to treat complaints from tumours to diabetes to liver diseases and whilst more studies are needed, we feel that this is a fantastic herb to include (article).

Maca is a root vegetable known as the Peruvian Ginseng. It has been used in traditional medicine to improve energy levels and has even been shown to decrease depression levels in post-menopausal women (article)! 

Mixed with mint, lemon and apple this juice is a delicious was to support a healthy body.


Organic Ginger & Turmeric

Second only to our organic wheatgrass juice in popularity this invigorating health boosting juice is bursting with warming flavour. Known to ease digestive issues and nausea, this fresh zingy juice can be enjoyed at any time and in combination with our other superfood juices. Containing high levels of vitamins this juice can help, support a healthy immune system, maintain mental performance and support a mother and child during pregnancy. 

So now you know about three of the the juices, which one will you try first?

Click here to buy

Read about the last two Superfoods juices contained in our rainbow bag here 








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