Let's talk about men's health - Britt's Superfoods

Let's talk about men's health

Men aren't well known for talking about their health, it has traditionally been seen as weak or self- indulgent but it's time to change all of that!!

As we enter men's health week we would love to help all men take better care of themselves and believe that awareness is key. If we know the facts then it's easier to change the results, right?

The following statistics may seem a little scary but the good news is that we can help change them, we just need to know how - a little knowledge can go a long way.

  • 75% of premature deaths from heart disease are male
  • One man in 5 dies before the age of 65
  • 75% of suicides are by men
  • A waist size of 37 or above puts you at higher risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer
  • Middle aged men are twice as likely to have diabetes than women.

We at Britt's Superfoods are passionate about helping people improve their health and are determined, with you help, to reduce these figures. What do women know that men don't? How can men learn from women and what can women to do support the men in our lives? We have put together our top tips below so that we can all help the men in our lives empower themselves to achieve optimal health.


It has long been assumed that diet is the prerogative of women but why should it be? A healthy alkaline diet is beneficial to all genders and detoxing frequently can help us all. If you are low on energy, having troubled skin, experiencing mood swings or joint pain, it could mean that you need to detox.

Read how to detox here.


No one likes to hear that they have high cholesterol but what can you do about it if you do? Many people have found that diet based solutions can help reduce cholesterol levels. If you or someone you know could benefit from our diet recommendations to lower cholesterol levels see our blog.

Eating for depression:

Suicide rates are highest among men, many believe that this is because traditionally men have not been able to talk about their problems in the same way women do. With the stigma around mental health reducing, it is hoped that this will no longer be the case and it would be great if these trends could be reversed. We at Britt's Superfoods are strong believers in food as medicine and are certain that eating the right kind of food can help mental health problems. To learn more about how to eat to improve your mental health visit our blog. 

Read how to eat to improve your mental health here

Omega 3 oils:

Another tip that women can pass onto men is eating a diet with high omega 3 levels, some women know that omega 3 can be useful during the menopause stage of life but men can also benefit from it. Omega 3 is especially beneficial for heart health and reducing depression, a key statistic that needs improving for men. To find out how best to incorporate it into your diet read our blog.

Read how to incorporate omega 3 oils into your diet here

We hope you have found our top tips useful, we truly believe in harvesting natures goodness and using food as medicine wherever possible, we hope that together we can change the statistics and have healthier men in our lives. To Summarise we all need to:

  • Detoxing regularly 
  • Follow a lower cholesterol diet
  • Eat a diet to fight depression
  • Incorporate Omega 3 oils into our lives.

To make it convenient to consume a wide selection of nutrients and vitamins we have developed a range of superfood juices that are delivered straight to your door. To find out more about our product range visit our shop now.

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