Unfestive fevers - Britt's Superfoods

Unfestive fevers

It’s no surprise that more people get ill over the holiday period than at any other time of year. Socialising, lack of sleep, over-indulgence in food and drink-not to forget the stress of organising festive get-togethers, can all take a toll on our health So what can we do to make sure we don’t succumb to these very unfestive fevers?

We take a look at some of the most common.

The common cold

Categorised by the NHS as a "mild viral infection of the nose, throat, sinuses and upper airways", the common cold is as incurable as it is annoying. However, you can take precautions to reduce your chances of suffering from the cold.

We are very fond of the saying ‘you are what you eat because the more nutrients and vitamins you consume the better your body is at warding off infections. For example, wheatgrass juice is rich in antioxidants and the high levels of amino acids, chlorophyll and vitamins make it a brilliant weapon in the seasonal fight against colds and flu.

Washing your hands is great prevention of catching a cold. Viruses spread onto surfaces from handrails to laptops and coffee machines to escalator rails, so when out and about wash your hands frequently to prevent picking up any nasty viruses. 

Cold sores

Cold sores tend to strike when your immunity is low, and you are suffering from stress. They are highly contagious so if you have them, you should avoid letting others touch them. Avoiding becoming too stressed over the festive season would be great, trying to get enough rest, do some exercise and maintain a balanced diet are also good.

Foods that contain high levels of vitamins A, C, and E increase the production of infection-fighting white blood cells and antibodies. Try kale in salads or try juicing it for a shot of goodness.

Our delicious Kale, Reishi and Maca juice aids a healthy immune system, protects cells from oxidative stress and supports healthy skin.

Joint Pain

From shovelling snow to moving the Christmas tree and even lifting a Turkey, we often put a strain on our bodies over the festive period. Add to this the reduction in temperature and it’s no surprise that joints can start to ache. Many people with arthritis notice a significant change in the cooler months with an increase in pain and stiffness. To try and prevent this, wearing several layers of clothing can help as keeping your body warm helps with blood flow and reduced the chance for inflammation.

By eating a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight some symptoms of arthritis can be alleviated, focusing on an anti-inflammatory diet can be even more successful.

An anti-inflammatory diet cuts down or eliminates foods suspected of causing oxidative stress (caused by an excess of free radicals) and encourages the consumption of foods rich in antioxidants. For example, Goji berries pack a powerful antioxidant punch with 4.3 mmol antioxidants per 3.5 ounces. Kale a highly nutritious green vegetable  , is also  rich in antioxidants - providing 2.7mmol per 3.5 ounces. 

Heart Attacks

Unfortunately, heart attacks are more common during the cooler months. This is because the cold causes blood vessels to contract, which in turn can raise blood pressure. An increase in blood pressure can increase the chance of a heart attack or stroke as your heart is having to work harder.

To prevent this from happening keep yourself and your home warm. Continue with some exercise to keep your core temperature warm and boost your immune system. Eat regular hot meals to ensure you are getting enough nutrients and have enough energy to keep yourself active.


With Christmas dinner usually consisting of about 6000 calories of rich foods, it's no wonder that our stomach often reacts. If it simply bloats for a while and then goes back to normal it may not be too much of a problem but if in the past you have experienced a long, uncomfortable bloating feeling you may want to consider avoiding the bloat in the first place. Drinking plenty of water will help keep you feeling full and less likely to overindulge, it will also keep your digestive system moving nicely. Take your time eating, give your body the space to absorb all of the food you are giving it and if you can have a little walk during the day. Reducing the amount of salty food, you eat and gas-forming foods like cabbage and Brussel sprouts can also help.

Keeping your bodies nourished is at the heart of a healthy life. That’s why we specialise in producing organic superfood juices, which are natural foods with a high nutritional value. Our Juices are grown outside in real natural soil, then harvested, instantly juiced and flash frozen within minutes, to preserve all the nutrients. To order yours visit our shop today.



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