Which foods sound healthy but aren't? - Britt's Superfoods

Which foods sound healthy but aren't?

In the quest for healthier eating, we often find ourselves reaching for foods that seem nutritious on the surface. Yet, many of these seemingly virtuous options hide a less-than-healthy reality beneath their health claims.

Here we explore some foods that sound healthy but may not be as beneficial as they at first appear:

Pre-made Smoothies

Bottled smoothies are convenience and can contain a blend of fruits and vegetables, but they can also be loaded with sugars, artificial flavours, and preservatives. These sugary concoctions lack protein, which is crucial for stabilising blood sugar levels. Instead, opt for homemade smoothies using fresh, whole ingredients for better control over sugar content and added nutrients. Or add one of our superfood juices to your smoothie, with nothing added just pure juice.

Granola Bars

Marketed as wholesome snacks, granola bars often have high amounts of added sugars and unhealthy fats. Despite containing oats, these bars can be very sugary  undermining their perceived health benefits. For a better alternative, explore homemade snack bar recipes with lower sugar content and healthier fats.

Veggie Chips

While veggie chips may sound like a nutritious swap for traditional potato chips, they often undergo deep-frying or baking with poor-quality oils. Additionally, they may contain added sugars and artificial flavourings. Making your own vegetable snacks at home using minimal oil or no oil at all ensures a healthier option with the same satisfying crunch.

Flavoured Yogurt

Flavoured yoghurts boast probiotics and calcium but are often laced with added sugars, negating their potential health benefits. Opt for plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt and add natural sweeteners like fresh fruits for a nutritious alternative without excessive sugar.

Sports Drinks

Marketed as essential for hydration and electrolyte balance during exercise, sports drinks are often laden with added sugars. For example, the popular Monster Energy drink contains 54 grams per 16-ounce (473-mL) can. That’s higher than the DV for added sugar. Unless engaging in prolonged, intense physical activity, plain water is typically sufficient for hydration. Explore electrolyte-rich alternatives with fewer added sugars to support your active lifestyle.

Low-Fat Salad Dressings

Promoted as healthier options, low-fat salad dressings often compensate for reduced fat with increased sugars, artificial sweeteners, or sodium. Create your own dressings using natural ingredients like extra-virgin olive oil, vinegar, and herbs for a nutrient-rich alternative without unnecessary additives.

Diet Soda

Despite zero sugar and calories, research has shown that diet soda has been associated with various health issues, including metabolic syndrome and increased cravings for calorie-dense foods. Opt for unsweetened beverages like lemon-infused water or unsweetened tea for a healthier alternative without artificial sweeteners.

While these foods may masquerade as healthy choices, it's essential to scrutinise labels and ingredients to make informed decisions about your diet.

Remember, genuine health comes from nourishing your body with nutrient-rich foods and avoiding empty calories and excessive sugars. One way to ensure you're getting a nutrient boost, consider incorporating one of our superfood juices into your daily diet. To order yours visit our shop here today.


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