Who invented wheatgrass juice? - Britt's Superfoods

Who invented wheatgrass juice?


Wheatgrass has been used in traditional rituals for centuries, Hindus sow and then offer Wheatgrass saplings to the Mother Goddess and the Persian society have grown Wheatgrass to celebrate Nowruz  - Persian New Year since the 6TH century BC.
In the 1930’s Dr Charles Schnabel popularised this plant and cans of powdered wheatgrass became available in the USA and Canada and recognised as a Vitamin food.

However, it wasn’t until the 1970’s when Ann Wigmore started juicing the wheatgrass and became an advocate that it began to gain popularity. Founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute she states that "as part of a raw food diet Wheatgrass cleanses the body of toxins while providing the body a proper balance of nutrients". 

Now many people supply wheatgrass but Britt’s Superfoods is one of the only who provide outdoor grown organic wheatgrass juice, to supply the best that nature has to offer.

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