Will cancer ever be cured?
This is not as simple a question as it sounds as cancer is an umbrella term for many different types of disease. In fact, more than 200 individual diseases fall under the term cancer, and they all act in different ways.
Add to this that people all react differently to treatment and can be affected in different ways, it may be that cancer will not be cured but managed.
The old saying that prevention is better than a cure also holds true. With continuous research, we are learning how to avoid certain cancers. In the UK Cancer research states that 38% of cancer cases are preventable with the main causes related to smoking and obesity. The more we know the more we can protect ourselves.
Advances in treatment in the past ten years means that the overall death rate from cancer has continued to decline. Immunotherapy, precision medicine and liquid biopsies have all contributed to significant advances in saving peoples lives.
Discoveries in medicine, treatments and diet are encouraging and the overall cancer survival rate in the UK has doubled over the past 40 years. Add to this an increased knowledge of diet and lifestyle influences and we are stepping in the right direction.
To help prevent cancer, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key and by consuming enough healthy fruits and vegetables we are going in the right direction.
Adding our organic wheatgrass juice to your diet can help ensure you get enough vitamins and nutrients. For example, wheatgrass juice contains 17 times more Vitamin B5 than banana and 1 oz Wheatgrass juice contains as much Vitamin E as 700 gr of broccoli
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Please note, as per 1st January 2010 European and UK law forbid us to imply or claim non-drug products to be a treatment, cure or prevention of diseases or medical conditions. We comply with these regulations. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by Trading Standards, the US Food and Drug Administration or any other regulatory body.